What I learnt from WhiteHat Jr.

Disclaimer: All the content shared here is content I received from WHJ. And I am only talking of my experience. Sample size-1.
I am a fan of WhiteHat Jr. The service they provide is a useful service and which parent hasn’t thought of exposing their child to coding and computer science as early as possible?
We tried a neighborhood center for the same, which was a great experience, and hence when I heard of WHJ, I spoke to my wife to consider this for our son.
And so began our experience and journey.
I don’t recall how we connected with them, but perhaps one of these banners caught my attention.

And once we did connect with them, there was a very powerful process that took us from the beginning to the decision making point very efficiently.
Key learning: Once you find a curious client,
- Make trial easy (FREE!)
- Establish the credibility
- Ensure compliance
- Create a reward for each stage of the funnel
- Share an incentive for closure
Lets go into each step in more detail and see how every business can use these ideas.
Make Trial easy:
Of course, a free trial class is a great idea. I have nothing to lose, except to get the kid in front of the computer. Once I connected, I had a call to confirm my interest and the session for my kid. They allowed me to choose the time of the session. Then they reminded me several times so I didn’t miss this first step.

Establish the credibility:
Reminds me why WHJ is such a great idea. World’s first Kids Logic and Coding championship is a great way to establish their credentials. They have worldwide reach is the message I retained. So they must be legitimate and must have done this over and over, if the world trusts them. This is so important. Just because I am in the funnel doesn’t mean I will always retain the excitement of the first banner advertisement I saw.
So WHJ gives me more information to feel excited.

Ensure compliance:
At this point, its very important for the class to actually happen. Since my anticipation has been built up, and I have come into the funnel WHJ cannot let me escape without the Free trial.
Here is where, Whatsapp/ phone calls and e-mails all came together to remind me that a fantastic teacher was waiting to enable my son to reach his potential in coding. They made it very easy to remember when and how to reach. They gave clear instructions on how to join. This went on till 1 hour before class.
This is very very sensible. Once a client comes into the funnel, taking him through each stage allows him to get information in quickly and make the most objective evaluation.
The movement of the client to the free class also signals to WHJ that there is a need.

Create a reward for each stage of the funnel:
The FREE class was an incentive for me to move from interest to commitment of time.
Post the class, WHJ followed up quickly with a reward for my son (a certificate of completion) and a call to action for the next step.
I got a call from their “consultant” which I didn’t take because it was late on a Friday evening and then he never called back. But the emails were clear enough.
I was reminded several times that my son was in the top 10% of kids his age in coding. (Not sure of the exact wording, but broadly there. I am not sure how they concluded the same, but that’s not important here).
They made me feel good for being associated with them. By complimenting my child.

And then the final offer for me to make a go-no go decision.
They shared the curriculum so I knew what I was buying. They had shared the experience of the class. And now the final question, did I want to pay to give my son an early advantage to a multi crore job at google 12 years on.

While I chose not to enrol my son, (various reasons), I did find the WHJ journey quick, transparent and reliable. Totally painless. In fact, any new product or service needs to hit these three characteristics.
- Movement from start to finish- quick.
- Transparency on each stage and the following stage. With the right incentives to keep me moving.
- Reliability in the interaction with the brand. In this case, on time calls with competent trainers.
Of course, I have other alternatives for coding and other alternatives for engaging my son’s mind means that WHJ may not always convert the sale, but they did enough for me to tell a few other people - its worth a try!