Small budgets - Big marketing outcomes. The GroCurv way.

As a managed marketplace for marketing services, we work with many early stage brands that are looking for the right marketing agency to help with customer acquisition. They rely on GroCurv because we have a demonstrated track record of ensuring brands get the best ROI for their spends. Our agency options are curated and validated, and our strong processes hold both the client and the agency accountable for results.
At an early stage, while brands are looking for social media agencies, or performance marketing or PR, or influencers; it all comes down to helping the brand scale.
And scale, to us has a simple definition:
Scale of Growth = Speed of growth* Standardisation of activities * Cost.
How can we create standardisation at speed, and the lowest cost in order for a brand to set up channels of acquisition across the country, and indeed, across the globe.
Large brands often do this with large agencies. These large agencies deploy large teams to solve for the scale of a campaign or further outsource as well. Say Airtel requires a customer acquisition plan to run across 5000 stores across the country in order to drive walk-ins to stores at a very local level.
The typical deliverables for project like this could be:
- Point of sales collaterals in local languages. With local contextualisation.
- Store branding
- On-ground activation at markets/ bazaars/ schools/ malls.
- Social media campaigns that would have to be translated/ developed in local languages. Say 10-15 creatives a month per store.
- Performance marketing ads in vernacular. Say 2 ads per month per store.

For a large brand, a single mandate to their agency allows them to outsource this problem. However even their agency has to find and coordinate with smaller teams across the country. So time and cost are still significant. And something smaller brands will find prohibitive.
An alternate way to solve this for smaller brands would be to themselves find agencies across the country that could serve some parts of the whole problem. That has implications in terms of:
- time to find these agencies
- validating their credentials and capabilities and
- standardisation in terms of their delivery
- coordinating execution across these multiple agencies
And hence, even if there is a savings in overall project cost; the time taken and inherent risk of poor standardisation will negate those costs.
Enter GroCurv.
At GroCurv, over the past few years, we have built a massive marketplace with thousands of agencies onboarded and already curated. Not only have we validated their previous work, but we have seen them deliver to a high standard for clients they have found on the platform as well.
- These are small agencies, hungry for work and with talent that meets the best in the business.
- And their presence across hundreds of cities in the country means they are best suited to ensure localisation of campaigns for each city, language, cultural nuance.
- They are all curated and validated to a certain quality of work, so standardisation of quality is solved.
This combination of cost effective agencies, present across the country, validated and curated by a third party (GroCurv) and delivering a good / comparable and consistent level of output allows fast growing brands to accelerate and scale at GroCurv.
These networks change basis industry, service requirement (social media or lead generation or performance campaigns) ; but all of them can be set up within a few days, giving you the advantage of the lower cost that smaller agencies in smaller towns give - without compromising on the quality.
And backed by the GroCurv promise of delivery!
So if you’re thinking of driving customers to your franchisees/ or your owned stores across the country or channel partners; and are stuck because your agency doesn’t have the reach; and cant standardise across the country, think
We know Scale of Growth = Speed of growth* Standardisation of activities * Cost.
And we’ve built our platform to help you scale.