Cinema Advertising: Perfect platform to be innovative in conversing with your target audience | GroCurv Blog

India is a land of many languages, arts, crafts, performing styles and music. It has assimilated ancient knowledge and uses it in day to day life. Customs and habits are very important to the individual, the family and society as a whole.
Indian Market is not only diverse in many respects but also huge with large community of caste, creed and religion spread across regions. Add to this, the income disparity, rural and urban divide, the challenge to develop a common creative that appeals to all sections across regions becomes extremely difficult.
But there are 2 things which unites India- Cricket and Cinema. We eat, breathe and drink the same. The unmatched power and reach of Cinema has over the years been harnessed by marketers through in-film and in-cinema advertising, so much so that the pie of in-cinema advertising has already crossed the Rs 500 crore mark as per KPMG estimates. India is a land of films. Every year nearly 800 films get made and released in theatres. There are about 10,000 cinema screens available for advertising in India.
About 30% of these screens are multiplex cinemas and remaining are single screens.Cinema advertising in India offer the perfect platform, both on and off-screen to be innovative in conversing with your target audience. A number of brands are increasingly using in-cinema advertising to reach potential customers and all this is because of the sheer scope and range that in-cinema advertising offers marketers, unlike traditional mediums. Apart from the ads that are shown on screen, the off-screen space, offers plenty of options ranging from seats, lobby, lift, staircase, washroom and interactive zones, ensuring that the message of the brand is not missed by the customers.
The Indian Media and Entertainment industry is on an impressive growth path. The industry is expected to grow at a much faster rate than the global average rate.# TV advertising sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.1 per cent during 2016-21, as against the global average of 2.8 per cent. Cinema in India is estimated to grow at 10.4 per cent compared to global average of 4.4 per cent. Internet video sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22.4 per cent while the global average is estimated to be 11.6 per cent. TV subscription will grow at CAGR of 11.6 percent as against the global average of 1.3 percent.

Why Cinema?
- Cinema has a larger than life visual impact when compared to TV or Radio
- Cinema as a captive medium offers an uncluttered environment
- Cinema reaches out to young affluent audiences and is cost effective
- It has the added advantage of delivering nation-wide reach as well as localized reach
- Offers 360 degree exposure & innovative opportunities to brands, on-screen & off-screen
- Low ad avoidance as cinema goers perceive the ads as part of the experience
- Cinema forming a deep engagement of audiences with brand messages
- Cinema’s captive audience delivers advertising recall that is up to five times that of TV
- Enables Influencer marketing

Some Emerging Trends in Cinema Advertising
- Cinema advertising is witnessing an average growth rate of 25% y-o-y.
- Digitization : 90% + cinemas
- More than 150-200 new screens added in 2014.
- Movies are now released on 3000-4500 screens across the country.
- Single screens are reinventing to compete with Multiplexes.
- Penetration of Multiplexes in Tier II & III cities increased.

The box office clashes will continue and so would the Indian heart pining for their favorite actors and waiting to watch movies every Friday.