How Instagram became the place of profit for this very niche product segment

- Vipul
- April 13, 2021
- 0
That marketing is now to be spelt with a D is a decade-old conclusion. Without the digital facet of modern-day marketing, the global consumer would be clueless about the tons of brands small and big. A digital marketing agency can’t tell you enough of how social media platforms – built to enhance online connections between people and professionals – are the virtual marketplace pitching products to you every minute.
Before you jump to a nasty conclusion about social media, think again. All that digital promo needs hard-core research, insights and analysis by an expert digital marketing agency.
Clicking on the right digital marketing options is Clovia – Indian lingerie brand founded in 2012. Focusing on the young and digi-savvy women from Tier I and Tier II markets, Clovia took to Instagram as its primary digital marketing platform.