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Entries for tag "Brand Positioning"

Slurrp Farm: The marketing strategy that conquered delicious summits

Slurrp Farm

Slurrp Farm was founded by two mothers with the goal of providing healthy, tasty and natural food to children all around the world. They were running out of tasty and truly healthy ways of feeding their children as parents. They discovered that other young parents shared their angst with a lack of nutritional alternatives for their toddlers that they could trust. Shauravi Malik and Meghana Narayan co-founded Slurrp Farm to fill this gap in the baby foods segment.

They began this venture with all their heart and recreated old recipes of their grandmothers that they could fondly recall. They wore their culinary hats and created tasty and healthy products that parents could trust and toddlers would love.

What began as a kitchen experiment has grown into a beloved children's food brand! It is now available on various leading online platforms and stores across India and the UAE. With recipes that focus on nutrition, the social media strategy of Slurrp Farm was focused on sharing content that reassures and inspires parents, especially young mothers.

The Quest to Digitize Coaching Institutes and Home Tutors: The Standout Strategy of ‘Winuall’


The onset of COVID-19 transformed the tutoring industry from teaching in person to taking classes online. The sudden countrywide lockdown that forced educational institutions to also shut down indicated that the industry required an alternate, viable, sustainable, and long-term digital solution. This meant that there was a need for something that could deliver the same educational experience, albeit in a safe environment.

Here’s where the offerings of Winuall, a B2B ed-tech startup came to the rescue of schools and tuition centers.

Brand Positioning! Have you ever thought about it?


The Axe Effect.

Gillette: The best a man can get.

Old Spice- The mark of a man.

Nike- Just do it.

Amul- The taste of India

Each time you hear these brands being called out, you associate it with a promise it has made to you. A promise that is so distinct and so deeply entrenched that Wilkinson can never quite convince you that its blade and shaving systems are the best you can have.

A Reebok has forever been chasing Nike.

An Axe stands out for its audacious claim of how it makes women behave when they smell the fragrance.

So how did these brands get there? How did they get so intimately attached to their consumers that they build a lifelong association.