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Entries for category "Marketing"

Social Listening – Durex


Truth be told, there is no other brand that does such a precise, uncluttered job of marketing its condoms than Durex.

Sure, this view is possibly keeping in mind an urban/ urban like customer in mind, but the brand’s ability to stimulate the mind through its communication (less seedy images) is unparalleled in this category.

In the last 90 days, the brand has had a whopping 1300 mentions in social media, reaching 470 Million of its customers.

Guest Post: New habits develop, when the old ones are simply unsustainable!


As the Corona pandemic forces us into isolation, how will business and business interactions transform?

We asked this question to our agency partners.

Their responses clearly point in one direction. People are accepting online working, online discussions and online DEAL CLOSURES. Life is changing for the sales man. Its time to prepare for a new feature.

Considering Social Media for your Brand? Stop Right Here!

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As a brand, what are your key imperatives? – Creating brand awareness, generating sales, enhancing brand recall, managing your brand’s reputation and creating the right positioning in the minds of your consumers, maybe?

Social media channels can do it all for you. It just takes a seasoned social media marketeer to make the most of the social media tools available

Digital Marketing 101: The Starter’s Guide for Aspiring Brands

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High levels of internet penetration in India and evolving consumer behavior exhibited through social media are two important reasons why marketers must walk down the digital route.

While by no means “Cheap”, digital marketing is more accessiblethan any other medium today and that is a reason why we believe launching brands requires a very clear digital approach.

A clear marketing strategy with well defined objectives, in conjunction with a good digital marketing agency have seen clients get results