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Entries for tag "Digital Marketing"

The Food Devotee - Food for the Social Media Soul


Facebook has founded fame for many brands in the digital marketing space. It has been the birthplace of brands, the solace of solo-preneurs. When the traditional marketing and promotional media have proved to be too expensive or too inaccessible for startups and innovators, Facebook has been the space that gave the small voices a loud amplifier. Social media marketing’s biggest Like is for Facebook.

Instagram Case Study: Cozy-ing up to 70K Insta followers


One of the mainstays of digital marketing is the illustration of content. What are we talking about? Images, images and more images. Social media posts that are led by well-shot, meaningful images are more likely to be noticed. They are most likely to get engagement in the form of Likes, Comments or Followers. Instagram took off as the most popular social media because it was essentially an image-centric digital marketing medium.

Instagram has helped thousands of start-ups to build businesses and network via the magic of images.

How SEO Treatment for this Hospital ensured healthy rankings in 6 months.


One of the heroes of successful digital marketing is SEO: Search Engine Optimization. In fact, it takes center stage in the digital marketing Hall of Fame.

Why does SEO get this spotlight?

Simple – it’s the game changer for marketing to convert to sales. After promoting and publicizing your brand, SEO creates conversions and directly impacts your return on investment.

Search Engine Optimization is defined as ‘the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.’ (Source - Wikipedia)

Google being the most-used search engine we know, SEO helps a brand to improve its Google rankings, when a user searches using words or terms that are directly related to the brand’s expertise.

Digital Marketing on Facebook: Bruised Passports - The Travelling Couple that Wants to Take you Along


Try typing "bruised passports" in your search bar. You are immediately hit with a drop down of suggested terms - which is a mind-boggling list of global destinations. From Sikkim to Sydney, this brand is know-it-all in global travel. And a know-it-all who’s there because it has done it all. With over a decade of digital marketing best practices under its camera belt, Brusied Passports is a great case study in successfully using a platform like Facebook to build a brand.

How Ikea’s Indian Instagram handle is Minimalist but Maximized

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When Ikea announced its foray into India, there was more buzz on social media than there was for Deepika Padukone’s next film. Even if you hadn’t done a single DIY furniture assembly in your life, you were still hash tagging Ikea and secretly looking up DIY kits. Well, that’s the Ikea impact for you. And that’s powerful digital marketing for you as well.

Even if you own only an Ikea pen stand, you’re most likely a follower on Instagram. Between posts of bedroom styling, tablescapes and children’s recreational options, Ikea has created a different image in the Indian scenario for itself, with its digital marketing on Instagram.