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Social Listening - PEESAFE


Peesafe is a brand that has identified a very powerful consumer need, relevant to a vast majority of its TG (women). It also appears to deliver well on the promise of safety and hygiene.

Bringing more consumers to share in the brand journey by co-creating content could be a very powerful way of creating affinity and stickiness with the brand as the category starts to expand in the years ahead.

How to build a Sales Team


So you're building your sales team. Hiring, training, monitoring, mentoring, evaluating…these are words that will quickly fill your days and nights.

Firstly, congratulations. Because it means you are scaling- you have a product market fit and now growing customers to grow revenue. Great place to be in .

Now, If you’ve handled a sales team before, this is good fun. Meeting candidates, hearing their sales stories, evaluating their fit to the company, assigning roles and responsibilities, compensation discussions, incentives, team building, culture. Wow, its great fun.