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Entries for tag "Marketing"

How SEO Treatment for this Hospital ensured healthy rankings in 6 months.


One of the heroes of successful digital marketing is SEO: Search Engine Optimization. In fact, it takes center stage in the digital marketing Hall of Fame.

Why does SEO get this spotlight?

Simple – it’s the game changer for marketing to convert to sales. After promoting and publicizing your brand, SEO creates conversions and directly impacts your return on investment.

Search Engine Optimization is defined as ‘the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.’ (Source - Wikipedia)

Google being the most-used search engine we know, SEO helps a brand to improve its Google rankings, when a user searches using words or terms that are directly related to the brand’s expertise.

How to Find the Right Market Research Agency?

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Market research agencies ultimately help businesses by putting the collected data into action. Some activities conducted by market research agencies include:

  • Conducting surveys
  • Conducting interviews
  • Facilitating focus groups and workshops
  • Undertaking methods to observe customers
  • Collect relevant information, analyze data, report findings

When you hire an agency, make sure that they are properly differentiating between quantitative and qualitative research. Simply put, quantitative data deals with facts and figures while qualitative data pertains to human experience. Both are relevant for you to make informed business decisions.

How Instagram became the place of profit for this very niche product segment


That marketing is now to be spelt with a D is a decade-old conclusion. Without the digital facet of modern-day marketing, the global consumer would be clueless about the tons of brands small and big. A digital marketing agency can’t tell you enough of how social media platforms – built to enhance online connections between people and professionals – are the virtual marketplace pitching products to you every minute.

Before you jump to a nasty conclusion about social media, think again. All that digital promo needs hard-core research, insights and analysis by an expert digital marketing agency.

Clicking on the right digital marketing options is Clovia – Indian lingerie brand founded in 2012. Focusing on the young and digi-savvy women from Tier I and Tier II markets, Clovia took to Instagram as its primary digital marketing platform.

How to engage with my new digital marketing agency?

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If you don’t crawl, you will never learn to walk the Digital Marketing walk.

As the GroCurv marketplace succeeds in bringing more clients and agencies together in the pursuit of growth, we are learning about how to make the engagements more successful and fruitful. Here are some guidelines that young brands have found useful to keep in mind while engaging with their agencies.

The secret and most important ingredient to building your BRAND.


Hyperbolic statements often raise eyebrows. The most important ingredient in brand building? And that too…TIME?

Well, we are simply trying to make a point that consistency has a very big impact on how your brand is perceived and hence, develops.

Consistency is the sum (or product) of time and sameness. Repeating the same message again and again and again. Which means that if the message is relevant, hearing it said in the same way helps a consumer find reassurance. And from that reassurance, builds trust.